3 Hole Hand Grips | Gym Accessories | HUSTLERS ONLY UK

Diamond 3 Hole Hand Grips


Hustlers Only have been manufactured with care to bring the absolute protection for your hands in training. We are proud to say that we are the pioneers of bringing such gym gear in United Kingdom market

This is a new type of Diamond Fiber Leather and it offers maximum grip! The grips will literally stick to the bar and not let go. While also maintaining comfort and flexibility. 

3 Hole Hand Grips to protect your hands and palms during Pull ups, Chest to bar, Muscle ups, Toes to Bar (T2B), Knees to Elbow (K2E), Kettlebell swings, Power lifting, Power Cleans, Deadlifts, Snatches, Gymnastics, and more…

Hustlers Only Grips require no break in period and therefore are perfect for any competition for any bar. Chalk or no chalk, these will stick.

Comes in a pair

Size Guide:

Size Chart for 3 Hole Hand Grips | HustlersOnlyPK

HAND MEASURE Measure your hand from the top of your wrist to the base of your middle finger.